Got Soup?


If you have a few random vegetables in the fridge and whole grain or lentils in the pantry … then you’ve got soup. Home made soup is wonderful low crap food. The possibilities are endless and its quicker than you think.

No crappy tin cans are involved.

If you have a slow cooker, you can assemble your soup in a hurry and have it cooking while you go about your day.

It is a perfect way to get low cost real food nourishment into growing bodies.

Throw in a few cloves of garlic and you have a flu-defying remedy in a bowl.

I like to serve my home made soup over a handful of fresh spinach leaves to get an extra serving of greens into my day.

I don’t have specific recipes that I use. It all depends on what I have on hand. Here’s some general instructions to get you started. Remember, like smoothies, you really can’t go wrong. As long as you like all the ingredients that you put into your soup, it should turn out just fine.


for approximately 1 liter of soup 1 liter of water

  • ½ - 1 cup of uncooked brown rice, wild rice, lentils, quinoa (or a combination)
  • 2 – 6 cups chopped vegetables (Cabbage, Carrots, Celery, Corn, Green Beans, Leeks, Onion, Parsnip, Peas, Potatoes, Squash, Tomato, Yams, Zucchini, etc)
  • Seasoning (Herbs, Pepper, Salt, Spices, Curry, etc)


  1. Wash and chop veggies into bite size pieces.
  2. For extra flavour, sauté the stronger flavoured vegetables in a little butter or olive oil until tender and slightly browned (celery, garlic, leeks, onions).
  3. Place all ingredients into pot or slow cooker.
  4. Add ½ to 1 tsp sea salt, and other spices and herbs. Taste the broth at this point, but know that the flavour will change as everything gets cooked up together.
  5. Bring to a boil, cover, and then simmer until the grains/legumes are cooked and the vegetables are tender, approximately 30 – 60 minutes. If using a slow cooker, set on low over night or while you are away at work.
  6. Just before serving adjust the seasoning.